Home 3D Printer 3D Hubs Releases Trend Report for June 2016

3D Hubs Releases Trend Report for June 2016

With the release of their Trend Report for June 2016, 3D Hubs surpasses another milestone, with their network having grown to over 30,000 3D printers located in more than 150 countries worldwide. In the last 9 months, 10,000 new printing locations have joined their community.

Looking at this month’s report, the three highest rated desktop 3D printers from last month are firmly holding on to their positions in the chart, with the BCN3D SIGMA holding on to gold for the third consecutive month, followed by the SLA 3D printer Form 2 and the PowerSpec 3D Pro. The ORD Bot Hadron 3D printer kit climbed up one spot, ranking 4th, followed by the plug’n’play printer Cubicon Single manufactured by the Korean company HyVision. Check out the following chart for a complete listing of the highest rated desktop and industrial 3D printers:

Printer Quality Ratings_3d_hubs_trend_report

With the Ultimaker 2+ ranking first for the last two months, its larger brother, the Ultimaker 2+ Extended has now taken over with a MoM growth of nearly 61%. The Ultimaker 2+ climbed down two spots and ranks third this months. The BCN3D SIGMA has not only been the highest rated desktop 3D printer for the last three months, but also ranks second among the trending printers for June with a MoM growth of 31%. See the complete chart below:

Trending Printers_3d_hubs_trend_report

Click here to view the full report for June 2016, including categories Top Print Cities, Printer Model Distribution, Printer Manufacturer Distribution and Popular Printers by Region.

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