Home Applications & Case Studies Fender Now Offers 3D Printed In-Ear Monitors

Fender Now Offers 3D Printed In-Ear Monitors

The well known guitar producer Fender now starts offering in-ear headphones.

The DXA1 Pro headphones start at a price of 99$ but if you are interested in a new technology, which Fender calls Digital Hybrid Technology (DHT), you will have Screen Shot 2016-01-22 at 09.44.22to put at least 199$ on the table to get hold of the FXA2 Pro model.

DHT is archived by scanning thousands of ears to create something like a hybrid version of a universal/custom fit. The DHT shell fits 95% of ears and is 3D printed. Why won’t they use conventional injection moulding for the shell? – Because the inside of the shell features cavities and structures to ensure the best noise isolation and sound. These structures couldn’t be produced with any other technology than 3D printing.

The FXA2 Pro costs 199$ but you can also get better ones like the FXA5 Pro for 299$, the FXA6 Pro 399$ and the top of the line, the FXA7 Pro for 499$.

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