Home Industry Hamburg – New association IAMHH e.V. and Fraunhofer Center founded

Hamburg – New association IAMHH e.V. and Fraunhofer Center founded

Hamburg is positioning itself as a pioneer in the field of additive manufacturing. The founding of the “Industrialized Additive Manufacturing Hub Hamburg” (IAMHH e.V.) association and the Fraunhofer Center of Excellence of the same name is intended to significantly promote this future technology in the metropolitan region. The aim is to strengthen the industrial application of 3D printing and further expand Hamburg’s importance as an industrial and technology location.

The Hamburg Industry Master Plan 2023 laid the foundation for this initiative. It provides for the promotion of new technologies and closer links between science and industry. The founding of IAMHH e.V. is a result of this strategy. Together with partners such as the Fraunhofer IAPT, Netzwerk 3D-Druck Nord and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, a network is being established that brings together research and practice. The association has been officially registered since November 1, 2024. It will be supported by the Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank with around 840,000 euros until the end of 2027.

The first IAMHH e.V. pilot project is called AKROPOLYS. This project, which is being funded with around 1.75 million euros, is pursuing the development of a local circular economy for additive manufacturing with plastics. The aim is to use plastic materials multiple times and reuse them in 3D printing at the end of their service life. This is the project’s response to European regulations that will require higher recycling rates for plastic components in the future.

The Fraunhofer High-Performance Center, which will be launched in January 2025, complements these efforts. It focuses on the transfer of scientific findings into industrial applications. Hamburg is thus pursuing a clear course to establish additive manufacturing as a key factor for sustainability and innovation.

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