Home Applications & Case Studies ISRO’s 3D-printed rocket engine saves 97 percent raw material

ISRO’s 3D-printed rocket engine saves 97 percent raw material

The Indian space agency ISRO says it has reached an important milestone in the additive manufacturing of rocket engines. Following successful tests, it is the first space agency to integrate a fully 3D-printed engine into a launcher system.

The new PS4 engine for the upper stage of the PSLV launch vehicle was redesigned using 3D printing technology. Instead of being made from many individual parts, it is manufactured as a solid component. According to ISRO, this innovative approach saves 97 percent of the required raw material.

Laser powder bed production reduces the number of components from 14 to just one individual part and eliminates 19 weld seams. Overall, the material requirement per engine is reduced from 565 kg to just 13.7 kg of metal powder. Production time is also reduced by 60 percent.

The 3D-printed PS4 drive is set to enter service in the PSLV fleet in the near future. For ISRO, this is a significant step towards leveraging the potential of additive manufacturing for critical space components.


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