Home Applications & Case Studies World’s First 3D Printed Aluminium Electric Guitar – Update: This is How...

World’s First 3D Printed Aluminium Electric Guitar – Update: This is How it Sounds

Swedish professor Olaf Diegel, known for creating 3D printed guitars and organiser of the first live concert of a “3D printed band”, has developed the world’s first 3D printed aluminium guitar.

May 13, 2016: Diegel explained that he wanted to find out what metal 3D printing is actually capable of and to explore the whole process from designing the 3D model to printing to post processing.

While the design for the electric guitar was created in Solidworks CAD software, Diegel turned to Dutch 3D printing service Xilloc who printed the aluminium body on an EOS M400 system. Following the printing process, all support structures for the barbed wire and flowers had to be removed by hand. “In total, it probably took me about 4 days to remove all the support material. Now that I have developed certain techniques, and a better understanding of the support material, I could probably cut the time in half if I had to do it again,” Diegel explains. Finally, in order to get a smooth surface finish, the printed guitar body had to be filed and sanded.

Diegel explains in his blog that the design of the guitar was purposefully made complex to really push the limits of metal 3D printing.

Image: Odd Guitars


September 26, 2016: Update – Listen to the first 3D printed aluminium guitar

Recently Xilloc has released a video to demonstrate what the 3D printed instruments sounds like:

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