Home Medical Dubai to 3D Print 25% of Buildings by 2030

Dubai to 3D Print 25% of Buildings by 2030

Back in summer last year, the UAE National Innovation Committee announced its plans to create a fully 3D printed office building. Now, Dubai goes far beyond that, as Prime Minister and ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said that by 2030 Dubai plans to 3D print 25% of its buildings.

“Our key goal is to ensure that 25 per cent of buildings in Dubai are based on 3D printing technology by 2030, and we will raise this percentage with the development of global technology as well as growth of market demand”, he explained. Government agencies, private sector companies, universities and research centres are called to establish a universal model for the technology in the UAE. According to the Sheikh, the technology would create economic value and benefits worth billions of dollars as well as reduce construction times to 10% of today’s levels.

Additionally, the UAE’s 3D printing strategy will cover medical and consumer products. Dubai aims to be a global hub for the development of 3D printing technology as well as a base for research. Their strategy, also part of the Future Cities Programme, consists of the five main pillars infrastructure, legislative structure, funding, talent and market demand. Supported by the government and companies, the initiative will start a study of the sector to help establish registration, qualification, licensing and implementation processes.

“Our vision for development is driven by a deep understanding of the future needs, and built on proactive ideas because we want to be in first place globally. Our methodology for development is based on the launch of initiatives that can be applied anywhere in the world and creating a global model for not only our economy but also for the global economy,” the Sheik adds.

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