Home Practice & Makers YouTuber shows 3D printing method for more stable components

YouTuber shows 3D printing method for more stable components

Although 3D printers have made enormous technological advances in recent years, the slicing process is still based on dividing the object into 2D layers. These are then stacked and printed one after the other. However, this results in significantly lower strength perpendicular to the layers compared to the printing plane.

The YouTube channel “CNC Kitchen” has developed a new approach that improves the stability of 3D-printed components. Instead of perfectly aligning the extrusions, you “fool” your slicer to create a sort of “brick pattern” where the perimeters interlock.

“You would never build a brick wall like this, with all the bricks arranged in one plane, because that would be unstable,” the video explains. “Yet regular 3D prints are created in exactly this way, which significantly reduces layer adhesion.”

To effect change, the YouTuber implemented four separate processes in Simplify3D. The key innovation is to change the initial layer height, which offsets these layers by half a layer height.

This process works not only for simple cubes, but also for more complex objects. The surface quality is remarkably good, with only sloping top surfaces appearing slightly under-extruded.

Microscope images clearly show how the extrusions interlock with the method as planned. In contrast to conventional layers, they not only touch each other on the underside, but also diagonally to the next layer.

Tensile strength tests showed that PLA samples with interlocking were on average 14 percent stronger and PETG samples were even 10 percent stronger.

Details of the method can be found in the video.

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