Home Research & Education 3&DBot – 3D Printing Robot

3&DBot – 3D Printing Robot

A group of industrial designers of LIFE and NEXT, academic research laboratories of PUC-Rio in Brasil, developed a 3D printing robot with wireless controller interface.

The 3D printing capacity is limited to the size of the device. That’s why the researchers came up with the idea of moving the print head onto a mobile platform.

The 3&DBot can create objects or parts of unlimited size on a large enough and flat surface to work on. One of the major challenges is the development of the tracking system that allows for precise movements in order to create an accurate 3D object. Controlling the omni-directional wheels of the robot, than enable unlimited degrees of motion for the printhead, is essential to the project.

To take this invention even one step further, the 3&DBot could eliminate the restricted hight by building its own structures and platforms to drive up to.

The prototype of the 3D printing robot was presented at the Milan Design Week 2014.

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