Home Industry Aniwaa: Infographic on the 3D printer market in 2024

Aniwaa: Infographic on the 3D printer market in 2024

Aniwaa has presented the latest edition of its infographic on the 3D printer hardware landscape. The 2024 version includes a new section on post-processing and over 100 other updates that reflect the changes in the additive manufacturing industry.

Despite consolidation, additive manufacturing remains a highly fragmented market. Countless manufacturers offer a variety of solutions. To help navigate this complexity, Aniwaa has created an infographic that shows over 600 active AM and post-processing equipment providers sorted by materials and technologies.

According to the Aniwaa 2024 findings, polymer systems dominate (55% of manufacturers), closely followed by metal systems (26%). Of the 157 metal manufacturers from 29 countries, only 40% still offer laser powder bed systems (2023: 50%). Instead, wire expansion is gaining in importance with a 37% market share. Geographically, more than half of the metal brands come from the USA (33), Germany (28) and China (25).

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