Home Industry Company Sterne develops 4D printing for silicone applications

Company Sterne develops 4D printing for silicone applications

The French company Sterne, which specializes in silicone production, wants to drive innovation in 3D printing. According to the company, it is one of the pioneers in the field of silicone 3D printing. Now the focus is shifting to the next dimension with 4D printing.

4D printing enables 3D-printed objects to react to external environmental influences and actively change shape, texture or color. According to Sterne, example applications could include self-assembling clothing or medical aids that react to moisture or heat.

According to Sterne, initial tests have already produced objects that change their shape in response to impulses such as magnetic fields, heat or moisture. Now electrical signals and other environmental stimuli are also to be used as stimuli.

With its special silicone expertise, the company hopes to be able to develop new innovative solutions for its customers with the help of 4D printing. The company is also looking to join forces with external partners.

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