Create Prosthetics, a New York-based company specialised in delivering customised prosthetics and prosthetic covers, has created what they call is their first medical-grade 3D printed prosthetic arm for a young mother in Haiti.
Danis Exulise, a 20-year old mother from Haiti had lost her left arm in the earthquake of 2010, when she was forced to cut if off after being trapped under rubble for over 7 hours. As part of their volunteer work, Create Prosthetics has fitted the first of its lighter and more attractive looking arm on Danis. The prothesis has been prototyped in the U.S. for the last year and is optimised for the most functional grasping pattern. The company has followed FDA guidelines for medical-grade, 3D printed devices during the production phase of the arm that weighs about 2 pounds and therefore just half the weight of conventional prosthesis.

Create Prosthetics founder Jeff Erenstone, a certified prosthetist and orthotist, explained: “We have found a niche that a 3D-printed prosthetic arm fills very well. Other prosthetic arms may be more functional, but our arm is very attractive and easy to become accustomed to. If an amputee has trouble with other arms, they may want to try ours.”
Create Prosthetics has teamed up with the Enable Community Foundation, to build the socket and finally fully assemble the arm at the charitable organisation Healing Hands for Haiti, that brings rehabilitation medicine to Haiti.

Erenstone was moved by the fact that Danis’ daughter Sundine kissed her prosthetic hand: “You have to understand how important that moment was. It means that her daughter has accepted the prosthetic as a part of her mother and not as an appliance. You wouldn’t walk up and kiss a toaster,” he explained.
Create Prosthetics has collaborated with the Enable Community Foundation to bring the “Create Arm” to regions of the world where these are not easily available and affordable. Erenstone adds: “We’ve been working with ECF and other groups for years to get prosthetic devices to people who need them most. It’s just part of being world citizens and we are honoured to help.”
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