Home Press Releases & Guest Posts FDM Digital Solutions LTD joins the Xtreme3DParts

FDM Digital Solutions LTD joins the Xtreme3DParts

A new and strategic partnership for Roboze, that is part of the project to revolutionise and improve additive manufacturing. FDM Digital Solutions Ltd.are a leading company in the UK, will represent an added value within the Xtreme3DParts network.

Xtreme3DParts is the only global network of Additive Manufacturing Centers for the production of on-demand parts in superpolymers for extreme applications, that, through Roboze’s technology, allows you to cut inventory costs and produce just-in-time and on-demand components.

FDM Digital Solutions can be contacted on xtreme3dpartsuk@fdmdigitalsolutions.co.uk

Frankfurt am Main, Italy, 11/14/2018 – FDM Digital Solutions is one of the main additive manufacturing companies in UK, Roboze is the leading company in industrial 3D printing sector. Now they are working together, thanks to the Xtreme3DParts project, with the vision of transforming traditional manufacturing in the aerospace, F1, automotive and industrial sectors, through high performance 3D printing technologies and materials.

FDM Digital Solutions and Roboze share the same goal: leading their customers towards a new way of designing, developing and manufacturing their products, thanks to the Roboze’s machines precision and the availability of new super polymers, specifically engineered by Roboze’s Materials Scientists, increasing the FDM technology level.

“We believe there is a synergy between Roboze and FDM Digital Solutions”, declares Graeme Bond, CEO. As a matter of fact, the new partnership will allow several production processes to evolve, in a new and sustainable way: “There is a requirement for materials such as PEEK, PP, (polypropylene), and we believe we can develop a profitable market to deliver high end AM solutions to the UK and broader European markets.

This is the result of the union between Roboze’s technology and FDM Digital Solution’s engineering expertise. The goal? Working together, exclusively with high performance materials, for the future of additive manufacturing in aerospace, automotive and industrial sectors.

Graeme Bond states: “Being part of the Xtreme 3DParts network gives us the possibility to realize something important. We have the expertise and Roboze has the innovation. We will be interested in sharing our knowledge to the benefit of the whole network. A growing awareness of Roboze technologies globally will benefit each region.”

“Roboze’s technology is largely used in the racing sector, as many F1, MotoGP, Nascar, 24HLemans stables use Roboze 3D printers and materials for the realization of finished partsdeclares Alessio Lorusso, Roboze’s Founder & CEO. “We are excited about this new partnership with FDM Digital Solutions. We believe that together we have managed to create a real solution for the British companies, able to let them show their potentialities, offering the opportunity to access our technology, supported by the FDM Digital Solutions expertise in production processes. Moreover, we are proud that FDM Digital Solutions decided to trust Roboze’s solutions in order to let the fusion filament technology take a step forward”, concludes Mr. Lorusso.

About FDM Digital Solutions Ltd.

FDM Digital Solutions is the UK’s leading additive manufacturing company working primarily in the

aerospace, F1, automotive and industrial sectors. With the largest commercial AM production facility in the UK, FDM Digital Solutions has been a pioneer in providing innovative 3D printed solutions for Britain’s industrial market. FDM Digital Solutions is an AM engineering company, that provide innovative AM products, 3D CAD Design for Additive Manufacturing training, and industry supply chain consultancy packages developing end use components for the aerospace, automotive, industrial and F1 sectors. This last one is the likeliest early adopter in the UK but composites, oil & gas, nuclear etc.will follow.

About Roboze

With the headquarter in Bari (Italy) and a branch office in Chicaco (USA), day by day Roboze consolidates its leading role in designing and manufacturing the most precise 3D printers for super polymers in the world. Its Beltless system 3D technology allows the company to manufacture the most precise and accurate parts in various advanced technopolymers , like PEEK, Carbon PEEK and CarbonPA for extreme functional tests and final applications dedicated to metal replacement in the Aerospace, Oil&gas, Racing, Defense, Automotive and Manufacturing sectors.

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