It all started in 2013 when we were simple Makers and in the spare time we created Lumifold: the first foldable and affordable DLP 3D printer.A crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo proved us to be on the right path.We decided to concentrate our attention on this project and in summer 2014 we founded Lumi Industries srl an Italian start-up with a clear mission: make 3D printing benefits available to everyone.In December 2014 we completed another successful campaign on Indiegogo with our 3D printer model LumiPocket.Our aim is to develop and produce 3D printers, software and related accessories to provide you a complete and user-friendly 3D printing experience!We are full of ideas so stay always tuned!This is our story of passion and innovation!
Home Lumi Industries
Lumi Industries
Via Sile 41 Roncade Italy