Home Industry Stratasys publishes second ESG and sustainability report

Stratasys publishes second ESG and sustainability report

Stratasys Ltd, a 3D printing supplier, recently released its second sustainability report documenting the company’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts. The report, which complies with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, emphasizes Stratasys’ commitment to transparency and sustainable development.

The report highlights several key initiatives that Stratasys implemented during the year:

  • Environmental Aspects: Stratasys has reduced its water intensity globally by 32.5%. In addition, solar panels at the company’s Israeli facilities have generated 441,339 kWh of renewable energy, resulting in a reduction of 207 metric tons of CO2 emissions. This is equivalent to planting 3,423 trees. Also worth mentioning is the 11.3% increase in the recycling rate of spools and cartridges.
  • Social aspects: The company has provided more than 38,000 hours of employee training, which equates to an average of 18 hours per employee. A high employee participation rate of 78% in the last survey underlines the commitment of the workforce.
  • Corporate governance: All new suppliers in 2021 and 2022 have signed the Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes strict environmental, social and ethical standards. Over 97% of employees have taken part in the mandatory compliance training.

“Executing against our Mindful Manufacturing sustainability strategy is an important step in leading manufacturing towards 3D Printing a Better Tomorrow,” said Rosa Coblens, Vice President, Sustainability. “Across our value chain, we call upon everyone we work with to focus on climate-minded operations, improving products, parts, and processes. We demonstrate an evidence-based approach to ESG where continuous improvement and ongoing data collection reveals value in adopting and advancing Additive Manufacturing for production at scale to promote a more sustainable future.”

Stratasys also participated in a study by the Additive Manufacturer Green Trade Association (AMGTA), which highlights the environmental benefits of 3D printing in the fashion industry. In addition, the company was again awarded ISO 14001 certification in Israel and Germany for the year 2023.

“Our Mindful Manufacturing approach enables more sustainable production, for manufacturing applications across supply chains, optimizing overall environmental impacts,” said Dr. Yoav Zeif, Chief Executive Officer, Stratasys. “Being ESG and sustainability minded reduces risk and promotes the healthy management of our successful global enterprise. We are proud to spearhead this effort in our industry and with our customers, supporting decarbonization strategies across a wide array of product portfolios and operations.”

“Sustainability and governance are key drivers to push additive manufacturing even further into the overall manufacturing environment,” said Ryan Martin, Senior Research Director, ABI Research. “Large manufacturers across the globe are publishing their sustainability efforts and they will need help to achieve those goals. The value proposition and sustainability profile of additive manufacturing supports these companies by speeding ESG initiatives while also boosting profits.”

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