Home Applications & Case Studies Students Create 3D Printed e-NABLE Hand as Part of Hands-On S.T.E.M. Learning...

Students Create 3D Printed e-NABLE Hand as Part of Hands-On S.T.E.M. Learning Projects

The growing e-NABLE Community has lately gained more and more support by dozens of schools participating in their projects to 3D print prosthetic hands for people in need. Many of these schools have even incorporated the design and assembly of the 3D printed prosthetics into their S.T.E.M. based learning courses.

Chris Craft, Teacher at the Crossroads Intermediate School, shares their story: “Our introduction to S.T.E.M. class has figured out that education is more genuine and fulfilling when we focus on helping others. When we first got a 3D printer, we quickly learned how to print out trinkets from the web. Our focus quickly turned towards a search for something more meaningful, and that is when we discovered e-NABLE.”

The first prosthetic hand that had been printed by the school was delivered to Alyssa from Charleston, SC in November 2014.


Craft adds: “After meeting Alyssa and seeing how she used the hand, we officially launched our “Prosthetic Kids” program. Currently, more than 100 students are directly involved in the production, assembling and finishing of 3D printed hands.”

As a result of their students passion, the website Handchallenge.com was launched to challenge every school, makerspace and person owning a 3D printer to 3D print and assemble one hand and send it to them. In addition they have produced a series of assembly videos that are bite-sized and kid-friendly to make the process easier.

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