Home Applications & Case Studies Studio RAP 3D prints ceramic tiles and red bricks for Amsterdam boutique...

Studio RAP 3D prints ceramic tiles and red bricks for Amsterdam boutique facade

Dutch architecture firm Studio RAP has created an eye-catching façade in Amsterdam using 3D printing. The three-storey building in an upmarket shopping street has undergone a radical transformation.

For the design, the architects developed special algorithms that combine traditional craftsmanship with modern robot technology. The façade consists of ceramic tiles that were modeled and printed by computer. Inspired by textiles and woven patterns, the software creates complex geometric patterns.

In the studio, the designs are transformed into real objects by industrial robots. For the Amsterdam project, the designers programmed an algorithm for corrugated tiles that are intended to resemble textiles. The final design was created in close coordination with production processes.

The upper floors adapt to the neighborhood with a conventional brick look. On the first floor, however, the undulating 3D façade sets futuristic accents. According to Studio RAP, this is just one example of how architecture can be redesigned using additive manufacturing. They are already working on other projects using this innovative process.

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