Home Practice & Makers Threeding Announces New Version of Mobile Apps for 3D Printable Models

Threeding Announces New Version of Mobile Apps for 3D Printable Models

3D printing marketplace Threeding.com announced new versions of its Android and FireOS apps together with significant improvement of its infrastructure. The new versions of the apps are available for free download at Google Play and Amazon Apps Store.

Threeding.com was one of the first websites for 3D printable models that introduced applications for mobile devices in 2014. Its apps are fully synchronized with the web version of the platform and the models appear simultaneously.

The latest versions of Threeding’s app has been updated with voice search, rotation and other features. The purchase and download of 3D printable models remains through a link to the mobile version of Threeding.com. Upload will be only available via web. All web features will be added to the apps once smartphones and 3D printers are well integrated.

threeding_3d_marketplace1“The number of mobile users among our visitors is growing rapidly and we would like to offer them the best experience possible. When we introduced our first Android, iOS and FireOS apps last year, many critics told us that it is too early for a 3D printing marketplace to launch apps, but the thousands of download proved them wrong. We will continue working in this direction”, commented Cveta-Maria Partaleva, co-founder of Threeding.com.

Together with the new version of its apps, Threeding.com significantly improved its infrastructure. Going forward, Threeding.com will be entirely using Amazon AWS as a server side platform. During the latest update the company has added new Amazon features that will significantly improve the performance and stability of the platform and will allow tens of thousands of visitors to use the platform simultaneously.

Coming soon: New Version of Apple iOS App is on the way.
Threeding has also been working on a new version of its Apple iOS. The application has been intensively tested and its launch will follow soon.

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