Home Press Releases & Guest Posts trinckle 3D software solutions enable and optimize 3D printing businesses

trinckle 3D software solutions enable and optimize 3D printing businesses

Offering cloud-based B2B software and fulfillment services trinckle 3D prepares to be the technology partner for the era of digital production

3D printing technology on industrial level allows for completely new sorts of business. Hardware and material available have improved dramatically and the next technological quantum leap is expected soon. Con- sumer’s interest is awakened, too, and more and more companies recognize the potential and promising use cases in 3D printing. What these companies are missing today are soft- ware solutions and qualified partners to enter the field of digital production. The German 3D printing provider trinckle 3D aims to fill this gap with its new enterprise solutions.

Cloud-based software represents the core of the enterprise solutions
trinckle 3D focusses on software solutions for 3D printing. These solutions enable inno- vative applications, e.g. using entirely new level of customer-orientated product design and mass customization. Other software tools support existing companies in the field of 3D printing to create more striking and more efficient processes. trinckle 3D has chosen a software-as-a-service concept: the cloud-based solutions are easy to integrate with new or existing company websites and services.


A partner for implementation
Companies with or without experience in 3D printing can profit from trinckle’s end- to-end service. This service includes qualified consultancy referring to the technological possibilities of 3D printing. Finally, trinckle 3D completes its one-stop enterprise solutions by providing a 3D printing fulfillment. If required the fulfillment can be seamlessly attached to the software solutions to avoid the set-up of individual 3D printing capacities. “We aim to be the first partner at hand when someone thinks of 3D printing businesses,” says trinckle 3D CEO, Florian Reichle.

High-end solutions due to close collaborations with leading scientific institutions
trinckle 3D is a leading provider of 3D printing solutions in Germany. It is co-founded by two physicists and cooperating with leading German universities. This background ensures the solid technological foundation. Additionally, trinckle’s long lasting experience in the 3D printing market helped to identify the needs and problems, which other com- panies might face. The combination of this expertise and the software developments of the last years is made accessible to B2B customers now.

First companies are on board
The official launch and communication of the enterprise solutions took place last week. Nevertheless, trinckle 3D has already been working on the implementation for several corporate clients. These customers include some well-known companies from diverse industries (aerospace, 2D printing, logistics, consumer goods) as well as existing 3D printing players. Florian Reichle: “Various companies have already contacted us to request support for their 3D printing projects. We consider this development as a demand for our enterprise solutions and we feel encouraged in our latest efforts.”

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