Since a few days a new model for a DIY game console has been available on Thingiverse. If you want to build it you have to create the case using a 3D printer.
There are already different Gameboy replicas out there. The newest one is called Pirakeet and is basically an emulator for different game systems. The emulator runs on a Raspberry Pi Zero and the operating system is Retropie – that’s a special distribution for the Raspberry Pi which is focused on emulating games. So you can run a Gameboy, Atari or Commodore emulation on your Raspberry Pi.
The new game console was sized down compared to older ones and got a new design. The biggest printed parts have a size of only 80 x 104mm (width x length) – so you can print the parts even with a smaller 3D printer.
If you are interested in building a Pirakeet yourself you will like the costs: All parts together cost less than 100 dollars. If you like the game console now you can download the models and print them – more information and the models is available on Thingiverse.
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