Home Materials 3Dom USA Releases 3D Printer Filament Made from Hemp

3Dom USA Releases 3D Printer Filament Made from Hemp

3Dom USA, the company behind exotic 3D printing materials such as Wound-Up, a coffee grounds-based filament, or the Buzzed filament made from waste byproducts from the beer brewing, has launched yet another interesting material, called Entwined.

Entwined is made from industrial hemp and has been developed as part of 3Dom’s continuing partnership with bio-composite company c2Renew. As no dyes are used, the material maintains its true natural brown colour.

“It’s almost iridescent in its ability to showcase different shades and densities within the same printed object,” says 3Dom CEO, Jake Clark. Referring to the texture and grain of finished products, Clark says, “There’s a large amount of visible bio-fill, something you don’t get with standard PLA.”

According to 3Dom the material is just as easy to print and common PLA and printed objects feature the same quality. The company uses nearby Manitoba-grown industrial hemp and “the ecological benefits of using hemp are clear,” says Clark. Industrial hemp crops require no herbicides, no pesticides and grow denser than the corn crops used in most PLA makeups.

Hemp is currently used in many industries, including crafting, construction and agriculture, 3D printing is simply what’s next in a centuries-old making tradition. You can order Entwined through 3Dom USA’s website as of today. With this release also comes the announcement of the new switchgrass filament, available for pre-order, with shipments beginning April 2016.

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