Home 3D Printer Royee II – Huge Delta 3D Printer by Royee Technology

Royee II – Huge Delta 3D Printer by Royee Technology

Chinese startup Royee Technology, founded by Kevin Lv, partnered with online retailer 3DFilamenta to launch the Royee II Delta 3D printer.

The 1.3 meter high device can print objects of up to 260 mm in diameter  and 420 mm in hight. Partnering with 3DFilamenta, the manufacturer wants to sell its Delta 3D printer internationally.

Royee II featureas a closed frame with an environment temperature controlling system, to adjust and control the temperature while printing. It is quipped with an air-clean system that filters any possible harmful substances. The three layer filter composes of activated carbon and a HEPA filter.

The built in camera allows the user to monitor the print job via WIFI connection. Additionally Royee II is equipped with RGB leds that change color while printing and can be controlled remotely.

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The printer can be pre-ordered now, however, production will only start at the beginning of March.

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