Home 3D Printer TIKO: New Delta 3D Printer for $ 179 on Kickstarter – Update

TIKO: New Delta 3D Printer for $ 179 on Kickstarter – Update

TIKO is a Delta 3D printer with a simple unibody design and is currently available for a pledge of $ 179 on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter

March 31, 2015: According to the developers the low price is the result of its rational and sleek unibody design. TIKO does not feature USB connection or a SD card slot, but is entirely controlled via a cloud-based software. In order to remove the printed object you have to lift the printer#s body. No coating is needed for the print bed as it can simply be bend to easily remove the object. The closed environment combined with a vent system ensures a stable temperature within the build chamber to prevent warping issues. A 1kg spool of non-propriertary 1.75 mm filament can be stored on the very top of the device.

Check out TIKO’s technical specification below:


With 30 days to go, TIKO 3D has already managed to achieve almost double their goal, which is set to $ 100.000. All early bird offers are gone, but TIKO is still available for the unbeatable price of $ 179.


April 17, 2015: Update – Tiko surpasses $ 2 million mark

The Tiko Kickstarter campaign has long surpassed its goal of $ 100.000 and is currently funded with an impressive $ 2,031,948 provided by 11,445 backers preordering the 3D printer.

This places Tiko among the ranks of the most successful 3D printers funded on Kickstarter so far, such as the Formlabs’ Form 1 and the M3D Micro 3D printer.

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