Home Practice & Makers Bambu Labs MakerWorld introduces new remuneration model for 3D printed models

Bambu Labs MakerWorld introduces new remuneration model for 3D printed models

The 3D printing community platform MakerWorld has introduced a new incentive system for designers and modelers. The so-called “Boost System” is intended to make the remuneration of particularly valuable 3D models fairer.

Previously, remuneration was primarily based on popularity – measured by download numbers. This favored simple, small models, while complex projects often received disproportionately few points despite a high level of effort. In addition, it became increasingly difficult to defend against bot accounts in order to maximize points.

With the Boost principle, active users of the platform will now receive a weekly “Boost token” worth 1 US dollar. This can be used within 2 weeks to reward particularly popular models and designers. In this way, the community decides directly which content deserves financial incentives.

MakerWorld has reallocated parts of the budget from the old, download-based system to the Boost system. In order to curb bot activity, users with verified Bambu Lab 3D printers will initially be the main beneficiaries. The group of participants will be gradually expanded.

At the start of the system, all Boost-authorized user accounts will receive 2 tokens that can be used to reward models that have already been downloaded. Frequent rule adjustments for fine-tuning are planned. Further details on the new system can be found directly from the manufacturer.

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