Home Software CADScribe: New free text-to-3D software for CAD modeling

CADScribe: New free text-to-3D software for CAD modeling

A new AI software called CADScribe promises to generate 3D models from text descriptions – for free. CADScribe is one of the first tools of its kind to focus on the creation of technical CAD components.

Similar to ChatGPT, it is operated using natural language input. The user describes the desired component in a sentence, whereupon CADScribe attempts to create the 3D geometry. In the current development phase, the possibilities are still limited to relatively simple shapes such as plates with holes.

The developers of CADScribe are already working on numerous extensions. For example, an API for model creation, parametric models with adjustable dimensions and iterative model optimization by specifying additional commands are planned.

CADScribe already responds with a pleasing speed and generates most models within a few seconds. The free offer should initially serve to collect user feedback during the development phase. It remains to be seen whether a price model will be introduced in the future.

With CADScribe, a new form of AI-supported modeling is entering the market that is specifically geared towards technical CAD applications. We have already presented a number of similar AI tools for the creation of 3D models in the past.

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