Home Applications & Case Studies e-NABLE Challenges You To Design a Star Wars Themed Hand

e-NABLE Challenges You To Design a Star Wars Themed Hand

The e-NABLE community has recently launched the CREATE T.I.M.E. challenge series to engage everybody on creating new 3D printable hand designs or improving on existing ones.

In February, e-NABLE has teamed up with Ultimaker, 3D Hubs and Colorfabb, and challenges you to create a Star Wars themed prothesis. The challenge is part of Ultimaker’s Star Wars 3D Design and Print Competition.

“We thought it would be a great contest to share with our followers who might be inspired to design some fun Star Wars themed e-NABLE arms or hands for this contest!”

So far we have already seen some great designs, among them the Star Wars themed bionic arm by Limbitless Solutions that had been created for Alvin from Nebraska, but also the e-NABLE community has been on the forefront of creating amazing designs, as you can see below.


Winners of the challenge will be awarded with an Ultimaker 2+ 3D printer, Colorfabb filament or 3D Hubs vouchers. So don’t miss the opportunity and enter February’s Challenge here.


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