Home Press Releases & Guest Posts From 2D into 3D in the Sign and Graphics Industry

From 2D into 3D in the Sign and Graphics Industry

Tractus3D, a major manufacturer of large volume 3D printers, has signed a partnership with Papergraphics, a company with over 35 years of experience as leading supplier to the large format printing industry.

Together they are inspiring the sign and graphics industry about the opportunities of large volume 3D printing and the innovative solutions these companies can offer their clients by utilizing this technology.

From large format 2D into 3D printing

To remain trendsetter in the industry, Papergraphics is always exploring new ways to innovate. During the installation of a large inkjet printer at one of their customers, they saw a huge 3.5 meter 3D printer creating life-size sculptures. Amazed by the end-result of the 3D prints and the quality of the machine, they decided to contact the manufacturer, Tractus3D, a Dutch based company specialized in developing and producing large volume 3D printers.

As well as adding another dimension (literally) to display graphics in retail and exhibition, the Tractus3D printers can produce unique one-off pieces that appeal the high-end marketing and advertising sectors. Papergraphics is convinced about the distinctive added value that 3D printing can offer this industry, so they took the step from large format 2D into large volume 3D printing.

Thinking in 3D

The ink was barely dry on the Tractus3D reseller agreement when the first customers showed their interest. For Papergraphics this was the perfect moment to organize a seminar event about 3D printing for the large format display graphics industry at their brand new Customer Inspiration Space near London.

Papergraphics partnered with Tractus3D to hold this intimate event for 20 select customers from the UK and Spain, who are at the forefront of the shift in retail and exhibition display graphics from 2D to 3D printing. The event inspired how to think in 3D and the new opportunities that 3D printing can offer for the sign and graphics industry.

Tractus3D CEO Ben Schilperoort: ‘’We are very pleased with the collaboration, making large volume 3D printing accessible to a wider audience. We can now show the possibilities of our machines through Papergraphics’ Customer Inspiration Space. Local market knowledge is in some cases indispensable to provide specific 3D printing solutions and personal customer service’’.

The only limit is your imagination

Within a few weeks Papergraphics already sold and shipped the first large volume T3500 3D printers to clients in England and Spain. As a worldwide service, a Tractus3D engineer was flown over to install the machines at the customers and provided a training on location how to operate the printer and working with the 3D printing software.

These customers made the shift, thinking in 3D, and are now enjoying the benefits. GTMS for example is a full-service event production company in the UK. They design, build and deliver events of any scale, including prop and set building. GTMS invested in a T3500 large volume 3D printer to support its services and to create new opportunities. According to them ‘‘the only limit is your imagination’’.

A company from Spain, specialized in visual merchandising, also saw the possibilities of large volume 3D printing for their business. This was the ideal solution to help them producing big channel letters, interior decor, exterior decor and other signage. They finish a 3D printed object in several ways, for example by airbrushing or combining it with 2D printing.

Seeing is believing

At the end of this month Tractus3D will bring the largest commercially available delta 3D printer to the TCT Show in Birmingham, world’s leading design-to-manufacturing event. Papergraphics joins them on 24, 25 and 26 September at stand F36, explaining visitors about the freedom to print huge objects without build volume constraints. Tractus3D will also introduce their new and bigger high temperature 3D printer which can handle special materials like PEEK.

Following the success of the first Papergraphics seminar event about large volume 3D printing, they are now organizing another event on September 11th.

Doug Gilbertson, Director for Papergraphics: ‘’It’s about showing our customers the potential for exciting and innovative possibilities that they could offer their own clients. At the same time, they can create new revenue streams for themselves that matches with what they’re already doing”.

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