Home Practice & Makers Inexpensive kit from Artme 3D recycles 3D printing waste

Inexpensive kit from Artme 3D recycles 3D printing waste

The German start-up Artme 3D has launched the MK2, a kit for a filament extrusion machine. According to the manufacturer, the kit, which costs around 650 euros, is suitable for converting production waste or failed 3D prints back into new filament.

Artme 3D advertises that the device works with pellets and regrind. The machine is suitable for filament with a diameter of 1.75mm or 2.85mm and switches itself off automatically after production. The footprint of the device is 31 x 46 cm.

The YouTube channel CNC Kitchen has tested the MK2. New filament strands could be easily extruded from shredded PLA scraps, which could then be processed on standard 3D printers. At its heart is an extrusion screw specially designed by Artme 3D, which also conveys and melts coarser particles.

The video also shows how the device is constructed. The control electronics and software are largely open source. However, minor childhood illnesses such as a wobbly filament guide remain, according to the report.

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