Home Practice & Makers Maker presents a free 3D-printed model designed to make soldering work easier

Maker presents a free 3D-printed model designed to make soldering work easier

The 3D-printed Solder Scroll is a tool designed to make soldering more ergonomic and efficient. Developed by designer Victor at Printables, it offers a practical way to apply solder precisely and conveniently.

The pen-shaped device has a rotating roller that dispenses the solder wire in a targeted manner. An adjustment option allows adaptation to different wire diameters from 0.3 to 1.5 mm. The solder wire is wound up at the rear and can be refilled quickly if required.

All plastic parts can be easily produced on standard 3D printers without the need for support structures. Neither adhesives nor metal fasteners are required for assembly.

Ergonomic design was an explicit goal in the development of the Solder Scroll, which was created as a competition entry for ergonomic workshop aids. Thanks to the pen-shaped handle and the rotary operation, the hand tires much more slowly than with conventional soldering irons.

Once the wire has been set to the correct diameter, the user can apply the required amount of solder as if using a pen – without cramped fingers or sore hand muscles.

The model can be downloaded free of charge from Printables.

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