Home Practice & Makers Maker releases free 3D print model for simple egg peeler

Maker releases free 3D print model for simple egg peeler

The maker Ondrej Sraitr. has made a free 3D print template for an egg peeler called “EggPeel Pro” available online. The gadget promises particularly easy peeling of boiled eggs.

The EggPeel Pro is a cylindrical container with small round nubs inside. According to Ondrej, boiled eggs are placed inside, the container is half-filled with water and shaken for 30 seconds. By rotating against the nubs, the eggshell is supposed to come off effortlessly.

The developer praises his gadget as a time-saving and clean alternative to manual peeling. The accelerated preparation should also make it suitable for breakfast, salads or protein-rich snacks.

Interested makers can download the STL file for the EggPeel Pro free of charge from the Thingiverse platform.

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