Home Practice & Makers Optimize print quality by adjusting the filament flow

Optimize print quality by adjusting the filament flow

If you want to achieve the best possible print quality with your 3D printer, there is no getting around careful calibration. A video on the YouTube channel ModBot explains step by step how to fine-tune the filament flow.

According to the channel, the flow rate adjustment is one of the more important settings, as different filament materials expand or shrink to different degrees due to their properties. Even within a filament type, colorations and additives can influence this.

As a first step, the YouTube channel therefore recommends calibrating the rotation distance of the extruder by measuring and calculating it. This ensures that the requested filament length corresponds to the actual quantity conveyed.

Based on this, the optimum flow rate for the respective filament can be determined in the next step. For this, ModBot uses the open source slicer OrcaSlicer, which has an integrated calibration function. Using two test prints with different flow rate modifiers, the best value can be found through optical filament flow comparison.

By adjusting the flow rate for each new filament, build-up effects can be minimized and a very smooth surface quality can be achieved, as the final example shows.

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