Home Practice & Makers YouTuber 3D prints a spring on rotating metal rod

YouTuber 3D prints a spring on rotating metal rod

On his channel, YouTuber “Humphrey Wittingtonsworth IV” demonstrates an experimental 3D printing process that involves printing on a rotating metal rod rather than a flat plate. According to the YouTuber, the axial alignment of the layers results in advantages in terms of strength and printing speed.

The video shows how a commercial Creality CR-10 is converted to rotate an 8mm rod under the nozzle. This allows printing of functional wave springs and threads with an especially smooth surface. Cylindrical objects such as tubes can be printed with this technique almost as fast as the filament can be melted.

However, the approach comes with challenges. Removing the finished prints from the metal rod proves difficult. The YouTuber solved this by using custom-made plastic spacers that minimize material sticking.

You can see exactly how Humphrey Wittingtonsworth IV did it in his video:

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