Home Software Lychee Slicer renews its User Interface and adds useful features

Lychee Slicer renews its User Interface and adds useful features

Preparing 3D prints is an important and tedious step for many users. Lychee Slicer is aware of this matter and is committed to making the 3D printing process as easy as possible for its users. Given the need for an always clearer interface, Lychee Slicer has completely redesigned its user interface.

It is now more visual and cleaner to put the 3D model in the center of the process. Preparing a 3D print can be tedious and time-consuming. This is why our goal is to make it as easy and quick as possible with a new, clean, and intuitive interface.
Lychee Slicer aims to make 3D printing effortless and accessible for everyday use, regardless of 3D printing skills or knowledge. Providing a seamless experience when preparing your 3D model is a top priority.

The latest features are developed to facilitate the transition from virtual to real, reducing printing errors or disappointments related to model size. Indeed, one of the issues in 3D printing is understanding how 3D printing is perceived in the real world. With the introduction of the “Physical Size Mode,” users can see the exact size of their future print on their screen.

Another major new feature introduced is “Support Painting”, which significantly speeds up the creation of manual supports, which advanced and expert users heavily use.

“The confirmed success of Lychee Slicer among users, with over 11 million slices generated, confirms our vision of 3D printing. This is a strong motivation for the development of our future projects. We are aware of the limitations and constraints of 3D printing, as we are passionate about 3D printing. We want to make this process accessible to as many people as possible. The democratization of 3D printers and the ever-growing communities are a big challenge in this path of simplification. Still, we will do everything we can to meet it”, Thomas Roussel, CEO of Mango 3D.

With Lychee Slicer, the 3D model is at the center of the 3D printing process. The information and preparation of the 3D model must be quickly accessible and understandable to everyone. In addition to the interface changes, Lychee Slicer has reworked its visual identity. From now on, Lychee Slicer has a new logo, more dynamic and closer to its image. This new logo is designed to be more consistent with the future projects under development that will be released during the year 2022 and 2023.

Find out more about Lychee at mango3d.io.

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