Home Applications & Case Studies Chromatic 3D Materials and Anouk Wipprecht create 3D-printed LED dress

Chromatic 3D Materials and Anouk Wipprecht create 3D-printed LED dress

The US company Chromatic 3D Materials and the Dutch fashion designer Anouk Wipprecht have presented a futuristic 3D-printed dress with integrated LEDs. According to the manufacturer, it is one of the first garments in the world to embed electronics directly into elastic 3D printing materials.

The motion-activated LED dress is intended to provide a glimpse of what creativity and social interaction could look like in a technology-driven future. It will be presented next week at the Formnext 3D printing trade fair in Germany.

According to Chromatic, the dress demonstrates the possibilities of the company’s proprietary 3D printing process and ChromaFlow 70TM material. Without glue or sewing, 75 flexible LED domes were printed directly onto the fabric. According to Chromatic, ChromaFlow 70TM is stretchable and heat-resistant, allowing soft and seamless functional and design parts to be integrated.

At Formnext, interested parties can see the extraordinary 3D printed garment for themselves, which offers a glimpse into a technologically influenced fashion world.

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