Home Applications & Case Studies 3D printed houses from Serendix on the market in Japan

3D printed houses from Serendix on the market in Japan

Japanese company Serendix is the first to offer 3D-printed houses for sale in Japan. Having completed a compact 3D-printed house called “Sphere” in 2021, it now plans to market six units of a new model.

According to Serendix, the first “serendix50” type house has already been printed. At 50 square meters, it is five times larger than the 10-square-meter “Sphere” house. The price is the equivalent of around 38,000 US dollars. The printing time is less than 45 hours.

Serendix relies on a modular concept: the walls are pre-printed externally and the elements are then assembled on site. The roof is made of CNC-manufactured wood panels. A Chinese plant is reportedly used as the printer.

In addition to selling the homes, Serendix is also collaborating with building developer Yamaichi Uniheim Estate on a 3D-printed smart city. Serendix says 3D printing is ushering in a new era in the construction industry – much like robots once did in the auto industry.

To be sure, Serendix is not the only company developing 3D-printed buildings in Japan. But as the first provider of finished residential units, it has a pioneering role. As it enters the market, competition is likely to increase from other Japanese companies as well as international players such as COBOD.

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