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Set up a low-cost touch display for Klipper 3D printers yourself

The Youtube channel Teaching Tech shows a new inexpensive way to retrofit a touchscreen for 3D printers with Klipper firmware. This is the "Cyd...

YouTuber builds portable wind turbine with 3D printed parts

British YouTuber Robert Murray-Smith has presented his portable wind turbine in a new video. This is based on a self-designed 3D-printed generator that Murray-Smith...

3D Printed Booster Pack For Your Bike For Less Than 300$

Since a few years bicycles with electrical drive have been gaining popularity. However, these bicyles are very expensive and so a young mechanical engineer developed a...

Ikea Could Start Using 3D Printers For Expired Spare Parts

Ikea is a huge producer of furniture and when people throw away their broken furniture it produces even more trash - But Ikea is working in...

3D scanned and 3D printed Frog for Anatomy Class

3D printing has a lot of use cases for example it is used in medicine and in schools. So far skeletons for anatomy classes...

MyMiniFactory Launches Playstation 3D Print Design Competition

MyMiniFactory wants to see your best Sony Playstation related designs, looking for characters from the games, weapons, armour, props or anything else that comes...

YouTuber presents minimalist digital wall clock from the 3D printer

In his YouTube video, maker Lukas Deem explains step by step how he built a kinetic clock with 3D printed parts. The starting point...

3D Hubs Partners with Instructables and Gives Away 13 3D Printers

Worldwide 3D printer network 3D Hubs has teamed up with the popular DIY platform instructables to "to stimulate the creative maker community to experiment...

Pinshape Launches Open R/C Accessory Design Contest

Following the success of Daniel Noree's 3D printed Open R/C Formular 1 car model, 3D printing marketplace pinshape has launched the Accessory Design Contest for...

New version of the 3D-printed robot PiPBOT released

Designer 3DHONZA has presented a further development of its modular robot PiPBOT, Print-in-Place roBOT. Version 2.1 of the patent-pending robot is now compatible with...

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