The theme for this year’s international “purmundus challenge” competition of ideas in the field of 3D and 4D printing is:
Beyond 3D printing
The latest developments in the field of 3D and 4D printing show the enormous potential of additive manufacturing. The drivers in the fields of application are customisation, freedom of design and, to no small extent, the draw of innovation. Functional design is created layer by layer as the perfect link between CAD and aesthetic. And almost every potential application is currently being tested in order to ascer tain whether additive production is suitable as a foundation. 3D and 4D printing are more than ever and increasingly around the world a core manufacturing process paving the way for smar t innovations in various different markets.
Beyond the hype, a huge opportunity is therefore presenting itself for all users. 3D printing has reached the “plateau of productivity”, and now offers a strong star ting position. The results keep up with the expectations relating to performance. The next wave of tailored innovations seems much more open to experimentation than in the past. This makes significant improvements in comfort and efficiency possible, and the limits of what can be achieved using technology play less of a role. Additive production methods are becoming increasingly common in daily life. Anyone who is able to blaze a trail in this continuous process of expansion creates USPs for themselves and sets the pace. New materials, hybrid products and regenerative systems are constantly presenting new oppor tunities. The creative integration of 3D and 4D printing will be crucial.
But how can these dimensions be designed in detail? What methods can be used to our benefit in product design and for production? Are these alternatives or absolute necessities for future applications?
As par t of the competition, the par ticipants tackle the challenge of identifying useful applications for 3D and 4D printing. It is to be selectively built up wherever it generates and stimulates demand among users. The panel is judging the benefits in terms of use, economy and aesthetics as well as the design itself and the innovation.
We once again encourage entrants to also consider methods and materials that have not yet become established, are still the subject of research or are yet to be invented.
The purmundus challenge assesses the submitted product ideas and arrives at a pre-selection. The finalists will be presented at a special exhibition at the Formnext trade fair from 19 to 22 November 2019 in Frankfur t. The international panel will choose the winners of the purmundus challenge and present them with their awards at the trade fair on 21 November 2019. In addition to money the winners will also receive appealing prizes. A prize for the “people’s choice”, voted for over the course of the fair by visitors to Formnext 2019, completes the purmundus challenge.
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