Home 3D Printer This 3D Printing Display Empowers The Human Computer Interaction For Visually Impaired

This 3D Printing Display Empowers The Human Computer Interaction For Visually Impaired

The Linespace is a modified 3D print head which is controlled by a computer that enables blind people to interact with the computer.

A team from the Human Computer Interaction Institute at the German csm_printhead_filament_769f276814Hasso-Platter-Institut (HPI) developed a display for visually impaired people which enables them to interact with a computer.

The so called display utilises a 3D print head to move around a blue tape covered board. The user interacts with the computer using voice commands and by pointing on the board. A camera recognises the gesture and interacts with the computer. So you can ask the computer to draw a map of Berlin right where you point at and the print head will start printing there.

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