Home Applications & Case Studies PwC Study Shows Growth in Industrial 3D printing

PwC Study Shows Growth in Industrial 3D printing

A new study shows that 3D printing gets mature enough to be used in the industry. That’s possible through the latest development and new technologies.

PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is a global consulting giant and has released a new study about the development of 3D printing in the next few years. In 2015 the industry has bought 3D printers and material for 11 billion Dollar. PwC’s study says that in 2019 the industry will buy 3D printers and material for 27 billion Dollar – that’s a significant increase.

The speed of progression of development is astounding. 71.7% of all manufacturing companies already use 3D printing and 31.4% will adopt it for rapid prototyping. The study showed that 42% of manufacturers think that they use 3D printing for mass manufacturing in the next 5 years. Now 6.6% of manufactures are already using 3D printing for the production of end products.

In view of these facts it is a very difficult question for companies if they should start using 3D printers. And there is no easy answer for this question – 41.3% of manufacturers say that they don’t have the necessary human resources to research and test 3D printing. So as first step it would be a good idea to hire employees that have experience with 3D printers.

3D Printing has already a place in the industry and in our every-day life, but 3D printers are still a kind of a niche product. The thrilling question is if 3D printers will find their place in more fields in the industry. The ongoing development looks like as if 3D printing could be used in nearly every section of the industrie.

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